Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh! Store closed for EUIC at London Excel - Pokemon singles offline until Monday
Doors Open: 11:00
Tournament Starts 11:30
Decklists can be submitted via email (via contact@thebrotherhoodgames.co.uk) or in person with paper. Please be aware we are looking to start at 11:30 sharp so please prepare deck lists in advance if possible. There will be a lunch break midway through the tournament with food available to be pre-ordered from our Cafe on-site.
210-212 Southwark Park Rd.
London SE16 3RX
£20 entry including 2 Hidden Hope Booster Packs (or any other packs we have available if you would prefer) - Please be aware that not buying a ticket online or not notifying the store in advance will incur an additional £3 fee for the ticket.
5 rounds Bo1 Swiss (6th Round if 33+ players) followed by Top 8 Bo3 Cut (Top 4 if 16 or fewer)
All Square Enix provided prizing is outlined below. Additional Boosters will be distributed depending on turnout, with the winner receiving a Booster Box of Hidden Hope
1st Place – Regional Championship Winner Playmat*, Terra [PR-170/15-037L] & Continental Qualifier “1 bye” card. If event is 33 or more players 1st place will instead receive a Continental Qualifier “2 bye” card. Road to Worlds Card Sleeves
2nd Place – Continental Qualifier “1 bye” card (If event is 33 or more players). Road to Worlds Card Sleeves
Top 4 – Regional Championship Playmat
Top 8 - Y’shtola [PR-169/19-124L]
Entry Gift - Rufus [PR-168/20-040L] (If event has more than 36 players, card will be distributed to the top 36)
Thank you
Brotherhood Games
Pokemon & Yu-Gi-Oh! Store closed for EUIC at London Excel - Pokemon singles offline until Monday